Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Every year in November we commemorate Remembrance Sunday and remember the sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from Britain and the Commonwealth.

On Sunday November 8th, this year things will be a little different due to the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing restrictions.

For those who wish to show support in their windows or to feature as part of children’s trail. we have produced some sheets to print off and put in your windows.

Let line the streets of Monmouthshire with poppies and don’t forget to donate to the Royal British Legion via their Website to help them continue to support our veterans and servicemen. You can get your poppies online too and donate to the British Legion.

Let’s all meet again on our doorsteps on November 8th at 11am and show our respect to those who made a sacrifice for us.

Here are some posters to print and some for the kids to colour.

We'd love you to share

Baeufort Raglan

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