Abergavenny Post Office Relocation Proposal

Abergavenny Post Office Relocation Proposal

Abergavenny Post Office Relocation Proposal

The Royal Mail are proposing to relocate the Post Office branch from St John's square, Abergavenny to a new location in the Ryman store at 17A Cibi Walk, Frogmore Street, Abergavenny

The lease at the current premises is due to expire in April 2023 and an alternative location has had to be sourced.

Customers would access Post Office services in a modern, open-plan environment alongside the operator’s retail. Working with the postmaster, adapting the current store layout, fixtures and fittings to accommodate the Post Office. It would be in a dedicated area of the store with two screened positions and a Post Office serving point at the retail counter.

Customers are being asked to take part in a survey to give feedback and comments on the proposal.

Survey can be found here

Abergavenny Post Office
Sudol Media

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