Heroes of Monmouthshire

We asked you to name your Heroes of Monmouthshire.

We wanted to know who has made a difference in your community and made a massive contribution to keeping Monmouthshire going during the Pandemic. Monnmouthshire we are proud of you.

Louise Hanington wrote: I’d like to nominate Helen Child Villers ,
she def deserves a pamper treat !
She has set up the amazing Covid Volunteer Group which has really brought the community of Chepstow together offering so much support in so many areas x
Juggling 2 young children and still working ! 😍❣️

Karen Jones wrote: I would like to nominate Shane Lewis of Lewis Taxis for going above and beyond to make sure the vulnerable have food by delivering it, he has a wife and 3 children and they never get time for just themselves, he also helps me with what ever I need. Defo my hero xxx

Deborah Walker wrote: Chepstow Covid -19 volunteers founder Helen Child Villiers - set up an amazing and professional network of volunteers to support people isolating in chepstow right from the start of lockdown. Not only that she is a single mum and puts on lots of activities too to raise spirits. Fair to say she is Chepstow's no.1 hero

Gem Biddle wrote: This is a tricky one for me as I've got 3 lovely friends who have helped and continue to but I'd like to vote my next door neighbour/best friend Nicola Mazza as she's helped me immensely these last 8 weeks. My husband and I began isolating 8 weeks ago and in the lead up to that she was running me around the shops wherever I needed to go in preparation to isolate. Since that, she does my shopping orders when needed so that myself and my husband can continue to remain safe at home despite how nervous of the outside world she is, she goes. I can't go and buy her a present to say thank you so I'd love to see her win this. Without her, life would be incredibly difficult.

Birgit Norris wrote: Julian Edwards for helping others, offering to get things from the shops for those at risk, cheering up the community with the Easter eggs and feeding NHS courier crews and other key workers during what is a stressful time for them. Thank you Julian for being a gem.

Holly Heath wrote: I nominate Laura Jones of usk who has coordinated the town in ita efforts to support the community with incredible warmth and organisation skills, on top of which she is a mum of two, on top of which, if someone is stuck she is the first to find a way to solve it. Lovely lady. Thank you

John Bateman wrote:: Kate McKinlay has been an absolutely relentless volunteer in the Monmouth Covid-19 Community Volunteer group and would be very well deserving.

Kate McKinlay wrote: Rosi Flood has been an absolute superstar with all her help being a volunteer with our Monmouth Covid-19 community Volunteer group and also looking after family and friends as well! She has been an absolute lifeline to so many of us, including being a fantastic friend x

Chloe Smith wrote :  Rhian Thomas . She a key worker working full time in a nursing home in caldicot , she’s also a single parent to two beautiful boys . How she manages to juggle a full time job and 2 children I don’t know . She goes above and beyond to make sure everyone is happy 😀

Rob Westall wrote : Christopher Vaz & the small team of volunteers @gatewaychurchabergavenny behind Operation Gateway Relief for funding, cooking, deliveringover 5000 meals to those in need in our community including 100 meals a day to NHS at Nevill Hall, absolutely incredible!

Chris Jones wrote:  We've been thanking people with "Going the Goytre Mile" over last few weeks. 16 people so far with more picking up our window stickers over the coming days.

Chris Robinson wrote: Helen Child Villiers, She has set up, and runs, Chepstow Covid19 Support Group. This organisation is invaluable to those of us in shielded isolation and has already undertaken over 2000 acts of uncommon kindness. I commend her efforts to you

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We are passionate about Monmouthshire and the amazing people and places within it. We want to promote this amazing county to the people who live in Monmouthshire and show the rest of the World what is great about it.

We are in no way connected with Monmouthshire County Council
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