Is Someone Watching You?

Is Someone Watching You?

Is Someone Watching You?

With so many of us working from home, our technology is connected for much longer periods of time sat on desks or tables. We have our tablets and laptops on all poised for action while we carry on our daily routines, but who could someone be watching you?

With so much tech with built-in cameras in some many of our homes, hackers are taking advantage by exploiting cameras without the owner's knowledge.

In many cases, it's not even a case of looking out for the small light next to the camera to see if it is on or not. Hackers can disable the light which usually indicates the camera is active and blissfully watch you, while you are none the wiser.

A bit messy but some tape can work

But what can you do? High tech problems sometimes only need a low tech solution to solve a problem. A piece of tape placed over the camera is all it needs to keep you safe and sound. You need to be careful though as the tape is likely to leave a residue on the camera and your device and it can look unsightly.

A neater solution is a super thin web slide cover, that fits over your camera and gives you full control of when you camera is live.

Web cam slider covers can be put on your laptop, tablet and phones and give you full control over when your camera is live. Sliders are normally sold in packs of 4 or 8 which is normally enough to protect all your technology.

Sudol Media

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