Monmouthshire Showcase

Why you need to showcase your business...

Monmouthshire Life Business - SUDOL MEDIA


£ 0 Per Month
  • Bronze PackageBronze Package
  • 1 Photo
  • 1 Category
  • Limited Fields
Get Started Special Offer


£ 4.99 Per Month
  • 5 Photo
  • 4 Categories
  • Unlimited description
  • 3 Keywords
  • Link to Facebook
  • Link to Twitter
  • Link to Instagram
  • Map to your address
  • Link to Website
Get Started


£8.99 Per Month
  • Featured business
  • 20 Photos
  • Multiple Categories
  • Unlimited description
  • Unlimited Keywords
  • Link to Facebook
  • Link to Twitter
  • Link to Instagram
  • Map to your address
  • Link to Website
  • Leaderboard banner advert on Monmouthshire Life
Get Started Monmouthshire Life Business - © SUDOL MEDIA

Give yourself visibility

Business Showcases, are just that, a way of showing off your business to the World.  Links from established local websites to your own website helps improve your positioning in search engines.  Join our Monmouthshire Business Club today...

Moli - Monmouthshire Life Business Advisor

Why should I advertise my business ?

  • Improve your search engine ranking
  • Increase your brand awareness
  • Attract new local customers
Moli Business Manager

It's all about being seen

It is important that you get your business name out there - Yes it is a really obvious statement, but many new or smaller businesses, hope that the power of Facebook or friend recommendations will help get them customers.   Ok, this may be true for some businesses in some areas. An plumber may get all his local business from his Facebook posts and shout-outs from groups in his town but a traditional toyshop may rely on bringing in customers from far and wide to boost it's takings.

Consumerism has changed and they way people look for business has changed.   In the old days, you would look in the telephone book or the local paper and find the business you need.   Neither method will bring you many customers these days.  You have to rely on the power of your social media, your website and being mentioned on other websites too.


Realistically, most small business websites are hidden deep inside a search engine, with the likes of the big businesses first in the results page.   The chances are, that you will never be seen unless your potential customer happens to be searching for a plumber, with your name, in your town.

Monmouthshire Photos - © SUDOL MEDIA

Moli - Business Manager

Which Package suits you best?

Moli-Packages squares

Bronze Level

Our entry level, allows you the opportunity to get your business up and running on our showcase.   This level is FREE


Going for Gold gives you all the features of the Free level, but you can add more details such as your social media details and a map to you business too.

Platinum Level

Our VIP level, gives you the best exposure by allowing you the maximum amount of options.  You will also get promotion across our Social Media channels and a leaderboard banner advert (728px x 90px)  to appear in rotation throughout the website.


Tags are short keywords, with no space within. (eg: plumber, boiler, shower).  Helps search engines find you

Html Editor give you the ability to format your advert with bold, italic etc.



£ 0 Per Month
  • Bronze PackageBronze Package
  • 1 Photo
  • 1 Category
  • Limited Fields
Get Started Special Offer


£ 4.99 Per Month
  • 5 Photo
  • 4 Categories
  • Unlimited description
  • 3 Keywords
  • Link to Facebook
  • Link to Twitter
  • Link to Instagram
  • Map to your address
  • Link to Website
Get Started


£ 8.99 Per Month
  • Featured business
  • 20 Photos
  • Multiple Categories
  • Unlimited description
  • Unlimited Keywords
  • Link to Facebook
  • Link to Twitter
  • Link to Instagram
  • Map to your address
  • Link to Website
  • Leaderboard banner advert on Monmouthshire Life
Get Started

About Us

We are passionate about Monmouthshire and the amazing people and places within it. We want to promote this amazing county to the people who live in Monmouthshire and show the rest of the World what is great about it.

We are in no way connected with Monmouthshire County Council
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