Monmouthshire Speed Cameras

Monmouthshire Speed Cameras

Monmouthshire Speed Cameras

For many residents in Monmouthshire, speed is a common complaint. For those living in built up areas, it can be a daily annoyance with vehicles ignoring speed limits and potentially causing injury to pedestrians or other road users.

Speed limits are an in place attempt to control traffic speeds, reduce negative environmental effects of traffic, increase fuel use efficiency and satisfy local community wishes.

Speed limits are there as a maximum speed on a road and are not a target to aim for.

Throughout, Monmouthshire there are a number of regular speed checks using mobile units that are deployed to help encourage safe driving on our roads. Here is our current list of fixed and Mobile units...

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Drive Safely and within the Speed limits - Monmouthshire

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Cefn Tilla Court

About Us

We are passionate about Monmouthshire and the amazing people and places within it. We want to promote this amazing county to the people who live in Monmouthshire and show the rest of the World what is great about it.

We are in no way connected with Monmouthshire County Council
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