N D Lewis & Son Butchers, Usk

N D Lewis & Son Butchers, Usk

N D Lewis & Son Butchers, Usk

Hi everyone, during these uncertain times I would like to reassure everyone that I am working as hard as I can putting in extra hours to meet the supply and demand of my customers. I am very mindful that people as self isolating and so as mentioned before I will be supplying a delivery service. I would ask that as I am working on my own at the moment I would be very grateful if you could please call the shop on 01291672954 rather than message me on my facebook page. I am a bit of dinosaur and forget to check it or am just too busy. Please don't think I am ignoring you as I am not. My wife is considering designing a simple website for the shop if she has to close and she would be able to man this and respond to enquiries accordingly but this takes time and she can only do this if she is forced to close from her business as a childminder as well. So in the meantime, please please call me. I will do my best to help and get your meat, eggs, milk and cheese, sauces, pies and sausage rolls delivered to you and just leave outside the door, but I do need you at the moment to call the shop as its quicker. I will get to grips with facebook but I will probably be due to retire before this happens. If I do set up a website I will let you know. I will also try to put a price list on this page for people to see, though please call the shop!

Stay safe people we will get through this.


Cefn Tilla Court

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We are passionate about Monmouthshire and the amazing people and places within it. We want to promote this amazing county to the people who live in Monmouthshire and show the rest of the World what is great about it.

We are in no way connected with Monmouthshire County Council
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