Search for a Local Hero

Search for a Local Hero

Since the Pandemic began, communities around Monmouthshire have come together in the most inspiring ways to help those around them.

Throughout the county individuals and businesses have stepped up and gone above and beyond to support the people around them.

Monmouthshire Life has teamed up with Sugarloaf Catering to say thank you to our local super heroes by offering, one lucky winner an amazing meal for two delivered to their door.

If you have a Superhero in your community nominate them via our Monnmouthshire Life social media channels and let the World know how amazing they are. It could be a key worker, a carer, a local shopkeeper, your neighbour or anyone who has made a difference. If they have been outstanding over the last few months let us know.

To nominate TAG your hero in give us a quick sentence on why they deserve to win. You'll find us at

  • @LifeinMon on Twitter
  • @LifeinMonmouthshire on Instagram
  • @Monmouthshirelife on Facebook

As the entries come in, we will also put as many names up as possible on our superhero wall so everyone will see what heroes we have amongst us.

Our team of judges will pick the winner from the entries and we will announce the winner on our website and on our social media channels.

Judges decision will be final. Meal for two options will be from the SLC Takeaway menu and cannot be redeemed for cash. Nominees must live in Monmouthshire.

Chef Mark Coulton is the owner of Sugarloaf Catering offering a professional and friendly service for any occasion. For over 15 years, Sugarloaf catering has been providing catering for small intimate dinner parties, corporate events and weddings. What's more all food is hand lovingly made with local ingredients.

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About Us

We are passionate about Monmouthshire and the amazing people and places within it. We want to promote this amazing county to the people who live in Monmouthshire and show the rest of the World what is great about it.

We are in no way connected with Monmouthshire County Council
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