Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday

Saturday, 3rd December sees the return of Small Business Saturday.

Now in its tenth year,, the campaign has grown significantly year on year encouraging millions to shop small.

Our small businesses are vital to having thriving high streets and bustling communities. They create jobs and keep our cities, towns and villages vibrant and unique.

That is why supporting Small Business Saturday which is a perfect way to highlight the vital role small businesses play in our economy.

Please do visit your local businesses this Small Business Saturday and let them know that they are important to you.

Show your support by Tweeting, Facebook posting or a quick Instagram photo of yourself supporting your Monmouthshire businesses with #SmallBizSatUK

Baeufort Raglan

About Us

We are passionate about Monmouthshire and the amazing people and places within it. We want to promote this amazing county to the people who live in Monmouthshire and show the rest of the World what is great about it.

We are in no way connected with Monmouthshire County Council
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