Usk Dental Practice

Usk Dental Practice


So far as the health of our staff allows, the practice will remain open, but is now subject to the following restrictions :

URGENT treatment only
DO NOT enter the practice without an appointment
YOU MUST TELEPHONE to make an appointment
ONLY the patient will be allowed entry.

If you are in self isolation, understand what this means - it means that you have chosen to ISOLATE yourself because you think you may have had a contact. Self Isolation means you STAY AT HOME at all times for 7 or 14 days - you do not 'pop to the shops'. That applies here too - people in self isolation WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ENTRY. If you are in self isolation and think you require treatment, you must call the Gwent Dental Helpline on 01633 744387.

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The country will get on top of the situation quicker if people think of others and don't act in a selfish manner.

Sudol Media

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We are passionate about Monmouthshire and the amazing people and places within it. We want to promote this amazing county to the people who live in Monmouthshire and show the rest of the World what is great about it.

We are in no way connected with Monmouthshire County Council
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