Nostalgia, May 20th 1935

Nostalgia, May 20th 1935

Nostalgia, May 20th 1935

Monmouthshire Nostalgia - Monmouthshire Photos - © SUDOL MEDIA

Choristers for Sixty Years Golden Wedding at Caldicot

Congratulations will be offered to Mr and Mrs Alfred George Smith of The Retreat, Caldicot, upon their golden wedding which they celebrated on Monday. Mr Smith will be remembered by the older generation of Chepstow as a member of the famous Black Brigade Minstrels, of which he is the sole survivor. Composed entirely of amateur talent, the troupe were among the best in existence and equal to most and better than many reputed professional combinations. Mr Smith joined Chepstow Parish Church choir as a boy, and still does duty in Caldicot Church as a bass. Thus he has been a chorister for 60 years. Mr and Mrs Smith were married at Chepstow Parish Church on May 20.

Gwent Pupils Raise Voices in Song

Chepstow and District School’s Jubilee Countryside Musical Festival held in the Public Hall, Chepstow, was an outstanding success and the fact that it was broadcast aroused the greatest interest. It was the first event in rural Monmouthshire to be broadcast.

Frost in Gwent Heavy Tolls on Fruit Crops

Monmouthshire in common with the greater part of the country, suffered much from the recent severe frost. Some farmers declare that nothing like such a frost can be recalled during the past sixty-five years. Thousands of pounds of damage has been done to fruit crops which cannot be replaced were ruined. Over 100 years ago Monmouthshire could boast of some of the best orchards in England. There were many of these orchards, as can be gathered from the fact that all the old homesteads have still their stone cider mills. It is but recently that attention has been give to the orchards, which have been restocked with various fruit trees. Farmers have found that the newly-formed produce market gives excellent return for local fruit. Consequently the losses due to the frost are very keenly felt.

New Ferry Boat for Beachley

A new ferry boat for service between Beachley and Aust was launched at Beverley Hull and christened the Severn King. A companion boat to the Severn Queen, it is of similar construction except that the owners have incorporated a bridge, with accommodation for passengers. This alteration increases the motor-carrying capacity from 17 to 20. Among those present, at the launch were Mr Enoch Williams, managing director, and Mr Gilbert Beauchamp, another director of the Old Passage Severn Ferry Company.

Fowl Stealing Plague

Chepstow Police are investigating a fresh outbreak of fowl stealing in the district. A night or two ago a raid was made upon a poultry house at the Home Farm, situated on the Itton Court estate, when the intruders got away with fifty pullets and hens, including several valuable Rhode Island Reds. The discovery was made the following morning. No noises were heard during the raid, and an examination of the premises failed to reveal footprints.

Gwent Farmers and Animal’s Disease

The Committee of Monmouthshire Agricultural Vendors’ Club were of the opinion that the only way to rid the county of foot-and-mouth disease was by preventing any live cattle entering the county, by closer inspection of dead carcases; an order preventing any carcasses from being removed from the docks without a change of covering should be made, and all coverings and packings immediately burned. The Secretary was instructed to inform the Minister of Agriculture of these views. It was stated one of the auctioneers had said in the market that day that he had never before sold cows and calves at such a low figure. The chairman explained that milking cows were not required. As there was already too much milk, and the public were not able to pay the high price fixed. At the same time, he could not understand why the Government were not preventing its importation. The Government had everything in their hands to make agriculture successful-tariffs. Farmers at present required immediate tariffs.

Last Charge as Archdeacon

The Dean on Monmouth, who is also Archdeacon of Newport, has delivered his last charge as Archdeacon. A successor is immediately to take over the duties in that respect. At the vernal visitation at Newport Cathedral, the Dean said the arrangements were due to the Reconstruction Committee, and added that the duties were no sinecure, seeing that the Archdeaconry of Newport was actually the Archdeaconry of the whole of the industrial area of Monmouthshire, with its many problems, now accentuated by the persistent depression in industry. The Dean added his grateful thanks to clergy and laity for the forbearance and courtesy shown to him during the past four years. It is understood, of course, that the Dean is not leaving the Diocese, and will continue in the office of Dean of Monmouth.

Cefn Tilla Court

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