World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is having a huge impact on us all and prioritising mental health has never been more important than it is now.

World Mental Health Day 2020 is the most important one yet. The months of lockdown and loss have had a huge impact on us all. Many of us have found it emotionally hard and for those living with mental health problems and this can make everyday challenges more difficult.

Depression and anxiety affects 1 in 4 people which is why the charity Mind Cymru is vital in providing information and support.

If you or someone you know needs support please call 0300 123 3393.

For information visit or email or text 86463.

For urgent support the Samaritans provide a 24-hour listening support. Calls are free on 116 123 or visit

Shout offers a confidential 24/7 crisis support. Text “Shout” to 85258 or visit

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